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Update on Hankinson's Field

Update on Hankinson's Field

Ciaran Reardon14 Aug 2017 - 10:28
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The silver lining

You may have seen an article in the Chronicle or on Facebook about Congleton Rugby Club losing the ability to use Hankinsons Field.

This is not new news to the club, and we have been in regular dialogue with Cheshire East Council on their plans, the impact on us, and securing enough pitches/playing space for the coming season.

Whilst this is far from ideal, every cloud has a silver lining. We are trying to turn this into a solution that will deliver our long held desire to relocate to better facilities. There is much more to do, but the current prospects put us in the most positive position we've ever been in.

More news to follow, but the futures bright, the futures Congleton Rugby Club!

Further reading